Did you know the human skeleton consists of about 206 bones? They not only support the body and the internal organs, the bone marrow also produces red and white blood cells. Healthy bones are important for a healthy metabolism and our mobility. That’s why it’s so important to take care of our bone health!
Lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet are leading to an ever-increasing number of people suffering from osteoporosis, a metabolic disease in which bone density decreases with age and bones become more porous. According to an official EU report, about one in eight EU citizens over the age of 50 suffers a vertebral fracture due to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis reduces mobility and quality of life – but you can fight it, at every stage of life.
Nutrition tips for healthy bones
In general, a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and wholegrain products is all you need for healthy bones. Make sure you eat enough protein as well, because it contributes to cell structure and is therefore important for bone formation. In addition, you should eat foods with a high calcium content, because calcium is the most important nutrient for bone metabolism. Look out for:
· Dairy products
· Kale
· Broccoli
· Sesame
· Nuts
· Calcium-rich mineral water
· Vegetable milk with added calcium
But a high supply of calcium doesn't help if the body cannot metabolise it! For the absorption of calcium into the bones you also need vitamins K and D. The body produces vitamin D by exposing the skin to sunlight. However, many Europeans suffer from low vitamin D levels. That's why it can make sense to get vitamin D from foods such as fatty fish. You can find more tips for a healthy vitamin D level here. Magnesium also contributes to bone health: about 60% of the magnesium in our body is found in our bones! Learn more about Magnesium here.
If you want to prevent osteoporosis, you should eat some foods only in moderation. Certain "calcium killers" consume a lot of calcium during digestion and once the supply in the bloodstream is exhausted, calcium is taken out of the bones. The following foods should only be eaten in moderation:
· Phosphate-rich foods such as soft drinks, processed foods and sausages
· Foods high in oxalic acid content such as rhubarb and spinach
· Alcoholic drinks
· Foods high in sodium and/or sugar
For the sake of your bones, you should also stop or at least limit smoking – smoking not only damages the cardiovascular system, but also attacks bone density.
Work your bones!
A healthy body needs exercise and of course this also applies to the bones! Daily, moderate exercise provides your bones with the stimuli they need to regenerate and get stronger . Choose whatever feels good for you – you don’t necessarily have to avoid anything for the sake of your bones and joints. On the contrary, forms of exercise that involve quick, short jolts, e.g. ball sports or running, are considered great options because they stimulate bone growth. Listen to your body and find out what works for you. If you already have bone or joint problems, you should always consult your doctor first. By the way, strength training also strengthens the skeleton and the muscles that support bones and joints.
A little extra for bone health: Unicity Bone Fortify
Want to give your bones an extra boost? Unicity Bone Fortify contains a balanced mix of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and other important nutrients that help to maintain healthy bones. And it tastes simply delicious!