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Down with perfection - the path to a healthy lifestyle

We all want to live healthier, eat better and watch our weight more - every time we try, we tell ourselves that we will be consistent this time! Unfortunately, it usually doesn't stay that way and we fall back into old habits. On top of that, there's the guilt: we feel bad and reproach ourselves for our lack of discipline. But what if it's the guilt that is holding us back?


Down with perfection


In our opinion, perfection is not only pointless, it only harms us on the way to a better life - simply because humans are not perfect. Just try "good enough" instead of "perfect"! Here are a few tips on how you can achieve your goals more relaxed and successfully - regardless of whether you want to eat healthier, exercise more or sleep better.


The motto "All or nothing" is the wrong approach. No, you don't have to start training for a marathon straight away. If you want to move more, start with the things that you can easily include in your daily routine: Take the stairs instead of the elevator, go for a short walk after dinner or do a few quick squats at work. These mini-workouts will perk you up - and can work wonders!


Change your focus when eating. Instead of thinking about what you need to take off your menu, concentrate on what should be on it. You ate delicious fruit today, chose wholemeal bread instead of toast and ate a chocolate bar later? Congratulations, you've provided your metabolism with fiber and plenty of vitamins! Don't focus on the chocolate bar now, but rather on what healthy meal could be on the menu tomorrow so that you can provide your body with the optimum amount of nutrients.


Be nice to yourself. Chocolate may not be great for weight management, but it's soul food! Treat yourself to something nice every now and then - whether it's the aforementioned chocolate bar or a lazy evening in front of the TV.


Understand the power of habits. Overcoming unhealthy habits takes time and rarely happens overnight, so try to stay consistent without putting too much pressure on yourself. A tip: Help yourself and discourage unhealthy habits! If you look at your phone too much, for example, wrapping a rubber band around it helps to remind yourself why you wanted to stop scrolling on social media in the first place. Put the sweets in the cupboard and the TV remote next to your sneakers. Get creative!


Give yourself some grace. Realize that failure is part of progress and that nobody is perfect. The perfect is known to be the enemy of the good - and feelings of guilt will only hold you back. Falling back into unhealthy habits doesn't undo all your progress and it doesn't mean you can't start again.


Feel Great - the Unicity program for a better life


(Virtually) nobody achieves a perfectly healthy lifestyle overnight - and that is ok. Unicity’s Feel Great system was designed to help you reach your health goals without requiring you to completely change your lifestyle. By combining two high-quality products with intermittent fasting, you can feel better than you’ve felt in years, and support healthy metabolic health, too. Visit to learn more.


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