- by Alexander Krause, Unicity Double Diamond

Don't get too comfortable! For your business success as well as for a happier, healthier life, you have to learn to leave your comfort zone. Nothing in our lives changes if we don't push our own boundaries every now and then.
What is your comfort zone?
I believe you can look at your personal comfort zone from different perspectives. Maybe it’s certain circumstances we feel comfortable with, certain people or a certain place. The comfort zone is where we feel safe – that's why it's not easy to leave it, because at first, new challenges cause stress and require an effort. It's like a workout: if you want to achieve more, you have to make an effort and you might even pay for it with sore muscles!
Challenges as opportunities
But where would you be if you had never ventured out of your comfort zone? It is uncomfortable to face new challenges and problems, but it is worth it. Think about how you benefitted from this in the past. You have grown personally, acquired new skills, perhaps earned more money or formed new relationships. You have overcome your limitations and your comfort zone has grown!
Ways out of your comfort zone
There are two forces that can take you out of your comfort zone. An external impulse triggering desire, for example an ad, an encounter with inspiring people, or even crises beyond your control. But you can also find the strength to leave your comfort zone on your own initiative – with a good resolution or a specific goal.
Listen carefully to yourself to find out what drives you! Do you want to leave your comfort zone to become more successful or do you want to change the lives of other people? Do you need a partner to be accountable to or are you more of a lone wolf? Many people – I am one of them – are motivated by a larger goal that goes beyond their personal horizon. But only you can know what works for you.
If you are able to challenge yourself again and again, you will expand your comfort zone and improve your life. And that's what Unicity is all about: making life better – for yourself and others.
Challenge yourself!
Overcome your personal limits with these steps:
Look at what you have achieved in life so far – and how! You have already managed to leave your comfort zone before and you grew through challenges. What made you do it? Your personal why is the key to your success.
The start is the hardest. The first steps take effort and strength. But it gets easier if you keep at it!
I wish you many challenges for your journey with Unicity that help you grow! With every problem solved successfully, you will become more confident, your solutions more elegant – and you will have fun, I promise!