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Natural GLP-1 vs. Synthetic GLP-1: Which is better?

Word has gotten out that GLP-1, a hormone produced in the intestines in response to food intake, is an important weight-loss ally. Its primary roles include regulating blood sugar and slowing digestion, playing a significant role in appetite control, satiety, and gastric emptying.

Our bodies produce GLP-1 on their own, but several potent GLP-1 agonists—medications that mimic the impact GLP-1 has on the body—are now on the market, used primarily by those managing diabetes or obesity.

But if our bodies already produce GLP-1 on their own, are synthetic GLP-1 alternatives really necessary? As you’ll see below, each GLP-1 approach has its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

Pros and cons of boosting GLP-1 naturally

As mentioned earlier, GLP-1 is a hormone the body produces in response to the foods we eat, especially carbohydrates. We can help determine how much GLP-1 the body creates by eating more fiber-rich foods and a balanced diet.

Pros of naturally boosting GLP-1:
  • No side effects

  • No risk of long-term dependency

  • Minimal cost with no barriers to care

  • Provides benefits beyond GLP-1 activity (due to lifestyle changes in diet)

  • Easy to incorporate into any lifestyle

Cons of natural GLP-1:
  • Natural GLP-1 persists for a short amount of time in the bloodstream (a few minutes)

  • Effects vary from person to person

  • Results aren’t as fast or as dramatic

  • Can be more difficult to see dramatic and rapid results with diet and lifestyle changes alone

Note: Because GLP-1 production happens naturally, there are no negative effects per se. Boosting GLP-1 naturally is only a “con” if you’re looking for quick, dramatic results.

Pros and cons of boosting GLP-1 synthetically

Pharmaceutical GLP-1 agonists flood the body with a synthetic GLP-1 hormone, which supports healthy blood glucose levels and increased satiety. These medications are used primarily by those with diabetes or obesity, with weight loss being one of the benefits that attracts users.

Pros of synthetic GLP-1:
  • Highly effective at managing blood glucose levels and supporting weight management due to its long half-life (meaning the drugs persist in the body for longer than natural GLP-1)

  • See results quickly

  • Helps people break free from cravings and poor eating habits

Cons of synthetic GLP-1:
  • Most brands require daily or weekly shots

  • Cost can be steep and isn’t always covered by insurance

  • Potential for a variety of significant side effects, affecting gastrointestinal and mental health, among other areas

  • A portion of the weight loss is attributed to muscle mass loss, while a disproportionate amount of weight regained after use is fat tissue

  • Requires medical supervision and regular monitoring

  • Long-term effects are unknown

Like with any medication, GLP-1 agonists must be taken long term for the benefits to continue.

There is a risk that the increasing demand for these drugs causes supply issues for the people who depend on them, e.g. diabetics.

Natural vs. synthetic GLP-1: Which one should you choose?

When it comes to overall health and weight management, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, just like no two people have the same health goals. 

However, a good place to start is by making small changes to your diet. You don’t have to rely on a prescription to naturally increase your GLP-1 levels.  As often happens, most of us already have the tools we need, we just need to learn how to use them more effectively. 

Not sure where to start? Try these natural ways to increase GLP-1. Even if you already take a GLP-1 medication, these tips can help you maximize the benefits of GLP-1. 

Unicity’s Feel Great program can make it easier to reach your goals, too. The program was designed to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be with your health. By combining two products (a fiber drink and a yerba mate drink) with one practice (intermittent fasting), it’s easier than ever to reach your health goals and feel better than you’ve felt in years. Visit to get started.

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