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- by Aaron Webber, Unicity Triple Diamond

What is the key to building a successful business in network marketing? We work in cycles and defined processes that allow us to know what needs to be done to achieve a certain result. But we also need to know how to approach the individual steps of the system. Where do I stand in the process and how do I get ahead? The following approach is as simple as it is successful!

Success with the 5 In's

What is the key to building a successful business in network marketing? We The 5 In’s are not a stand-alone system – they are designed to reinforce the recurring cycles you go through in your business.


Your first inspiration brings you to Unicity. You become part of the Unicity family, you are full of enthusiasm and set yourself your first goals. This is the early stage where you start and develop a strategy. Lay the intrinsic foundation of your inspiration – define your why. What are your goals? And what do you need to do to achieve them?


Inspiration is contagious! If you are excited about something, you want to tell others about it; that is a natural impulse. Invite other people to get to know Unicity and share your enthusiasm. You do not want to sell anything, just invite others. People may or may not accept your invitation. Both are fine because nobody feels pressured. You simply invite others to take a look at Unicity, try out the products, take the next step.


Invitation is followed automatically by information. Your contacts have questions that you answer. Based on your information, your prospect can decide if they want to be part of this, what it will cost them, what they get for it, and so on.


Once one of your prospects wants to join Unicity, you involve them in your business. You include your new partner into the Unicity family, take them by the hand and welcome them. This is about more than “training” someone – it is about inspiring your new team member and making them feel that they have come to the right place. Thus, you align not only in business but also emotionally. The best for a new partner in your team is always the best for yourself. So involving new partners means standing side by side, not creating a power gap with one-sided advantages.


The circle closes with investing. You invest in yourself and in your team. You invest in your partner – time, knowledge, your experience. Your partners in turn invest time to evaluate, adapt and make the best possible use of your knowledge. And vice versa, we also invest in ourselves and thus increase our own value. We become more capable, more inspired and gain a new perspective and more vision. The unique thing about our industry is that you earn exactly what you are worth – and what you want to earn. If you want to earn more, don’t complain and don’t carry on as before, but invest in yourself instead. Increase your value! Then you will earn exactly what you want in no time at all.

These are the 5 In’s – just another approach to what we do. You are inspired by the potential that Unicity has to offer. Someone helps you to define your goals to make them achievable. Then you invite others to take a closer look and join you. When you inform your prospects and guide them through the process, you involve them. Your partners start to invest in themselves and grow. And that way everyone thrives.

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